Specialized Residential Group Homes
Anne Elizabeth Shepherd Home
- Located in Columbus, GA
- Serves females ages 12-18 with sexually inappropriate behaviors and/or trauma
- Females ages 12-17
- IQ of 70 or above
- *Twin Cedars Standard Eligibility Requirements
+Referrals Accepted From
- State Social Service Agencies
- Juvenile Justice Agencies
- Private and Community Therapists
- Parents or Guardians
+Referral Contact
- Lynne Gaddy, Admissions, lgaddy@twincedars.org or 706-322-8984 x1303
- After Hours Contact: 706-302-0454
The Bradfield Center (MWO)
- Located in LaGrange, GA
- Serves males ages 9-17 with sexual aggressive behaviors
- Male ages 9-17
- IQ of 70 or above
- Youth being evaluated and found to be at least a moderate risk of repeating sexually aggressive behaviors towards others who have documented history of and manifest signs and symptoms consistent with the trauma of sexual abuse
- *Twin Cedars Standard Eligibility Requirements
+Referrals Accepted From
- State Social Service Agencies
- Juvenile Justice Agencies
- Private and Community Therapists
- Parents or Guardians
+Referral Contact
- Sherika Birdsong Admissions, sbirdsong@twincedars.org or 706-884-1717 ext. 1525
AWO Residential Group Homes
Connections (Specialized AWO)
- Located in LaGrange, GA
- Serves males ages 14-18 who have received care for sexually aggressive/traumatic behaviors
- Males ages 14-18
- IQ of 70 or above
- Must be able to attend public school
- *Twin Cedars Standard Eligibility Requirements
- Sexually aggressive behaviors (by history) that have been addressed in therapy
+Referrals Accepted From
- State Social Service Agencies
- Juvenile Justice Agencies
- Private and Community Therapists
- Parents or Guardians
+Referral Contact
- Sherika Birdsong Admissions, sbirdsong@twincedars.org or 706-884-1717 ext. 1525
Therapeutic Foster Care
Therapeutic Foster Care (SMWO, MWO)
- Serving adolescents in the Columbus, LaGrange and Macon areas
- Serves males and females ages 0-17
- Male or Female ages 0-17 (MWO or SMWO rating – will consider other program designations on a case by case basis)
- IQ of 70
- Emotional/behavioral needs require specialized therapeutic care (primarily from Georgia but do accept referrals from out of state)
- Child(ren) must be able to function in a family setting
- Must be able to control their behaviors to a degree that does not require intensive behavioral interventions
+Referral Contact
- Melinda Sams, msams@twincedars.org or 478-812-8284 Ext. 4
- After Hours Contact: 706-302-0454